Our Strategic Vision

Author Visit: Julie Sternberg

Wow! What a terrific event. Author Julie Sternberg visited Third and Fourth Grade classrooms in November and introduced her new book Celie Valentine: Friendship Over. Julie sharing her process with 4th […]

Self Checkout in the Pre/Lower School Library!

Drum roll please…….We have initiated self checkout with our Third and Fourth Grade students! iPad app: Follett Destiny In our libraries here at BFS, we use the company Follett to […]

SonicPics and Research Project Presentation

In the library, we regularly use iPads for a variety of purposes. This was our first work with Fourth Graders to digitize a presentation. As was posted earlier, the Fourth Grade […]

Active Research: Fourth Grade

For the past six weeks, the Fourth Grade has been working on a research project in the library. The context is from their timeline on the walls of their classrooms […]