Our Strategic Vision

BFS school-year beginnings, today and yesterday

Brooklyn Friends School began its 148th school year this month with its traditional convocation. Our opening assembly for older students, held at the Brooklyn Meeting House on Schermerhorn Street, came […]

New to the Digital Archives

This week, we have a few additions to the Digital Archives. Two new items in Playbills: the 1980 Middle School production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience or Bunthorne’s Bride and […]

Archival Updates and Theatrical Enigmas

The Pajama Game, 1970s The photos in BFS Sampler 2 photo album have finally been corrected and re-uploaded, meaning better quality images for visitors. The class photos originally in that album […]

Found: New Class Photos!

1924-25, Class of 1927, 10th grade A recent excursion in the unsorted BFS photo archives uncovered a few class photos that were not previously included in the albums in the […]