Our Strategic Vision

Stop Motion Animation in Fourth Grade

In social studies, fourth grade students learned about New Amsterdam and how New York City evolved over time. As part of their unit, they built a model of what the […]

Third Graders – App Smashing & Lego WeDo Robotics

For our last few technology classes, third grade students learned about app smashing (i.e., using several apps together to create one final product) and the app “Explain Everything” (a screen-casting […]

Snails in Kindergarten

As part of the science curriculum, kindergarten students learned about snails, the habitats they live in, and their life cycle. Students also conducted an experiment to see what types of […]

Fourth Graders & Adobe Voice

Our fourth graders were introduced to a new iPad app called “Adobe Voice” as a way to use technology to create social change in the world. After their Nature’s Classroom […]