Our Strategic Vision

The Life Magazine: Issue 1

Featured Stories in The Life, Issue 1 “Sustaining the Fight: Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett ’84 Looks to Young People to Drive Change” “Homecoming: George Fox Award Recipient Susan Segal Rai ’59 […]

Summer Update from the Counseling Team

Dear BFS Community, As we enter summer break, we want to recognize that helping children manage their emotional wellbeing as they navigate an increasingly complex world is a difficult challenge. […]

Everything You Need to Know about Lyme Disease

With the Summer Season approaching and an increase in outdoor activities such as camping, hiking and leisurely walks in wooded areas it is important that students and their families familiarize […]

Hand Washing: Just Do It!

Hand washing is the best way to keep yourself from getting sick and prevents spreading germs. Hand washing is especially important after using the restroom, coughing or sneezing, after coming […]

Children and Mental Health

Children’s brains develop well into their 20’s. Mental health plays a critical role in shaping a person’s social, emotional and cognitive development, all parts of a healthy brain. Caring for […]

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month Resources

  In honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness month, Brooklyn Friends School would like to share vital information with you about this very important topic. Every year, approximately 1.5 million […]

Being Prepared for Dental Emergencies

Each February, the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. Here below is information on how families may be prepared in the event of […]

The Facts of Lice

Winter is a common time for contracting head lice. Spring and Summer breaks are, too. Any time head to head contact occurs, the potential for acquiring these flightless insects is […]

Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

  The BFS health offices are booming with an array of cold symptoms and stomach bugs. Many of our friends are leaving school early or have missed school in the […]