Our Strategic Vision

The Facts of Lice

Winter is a common time for contracting head lice. Spring and Summer breaks are, too. Any time head to head contact occurs, the potential for acquiring these flightless insects is very possible. 

The best prevention of spread is to check your child’s head at home, frequently, especially after  head-to-head contact opportunities, such as sleepovers or extended play dates. 

Lice are not dangerous, but they are contagious and spread very easily from person to person. Please take the time to check your child’s head at home. You want to look for the following during the inspection:

  • Small silvery nits fixed to the hair shaft. It may look like dandruff, but will not be  easy to remove.
  • If nits are present, look for live lice. They may be present throughout the head of  the child.
  • If there is a detection of a heavy amount of nits or lice, your child should remain home until they have been treated.

Treatment can be managed at home or by a professional lice removal salon. Whichever option is taken, please inform the school nurse of the lice treatment given. After the treatment is complete, the nurse will check the child upon returning to school. Please note if a heavy amount of nits or live lice are still present, your child will be sent home.To ensure your child’s treatment is successful, please continue to comb through their hair for 14 days to prevent reinfestation.Prevention is the key! Please remind your child to do the following:

  • Try to avoid head-to-head contact, like in gym or during sports
  • Don’t share combs, brushes, hats, scarves, bandanas, ribbons, barrettes, hair tie, or bands, towels, helmets, or other personal care items with anyone else
  • Don’t lie on bedding, pillows, and carpets that someone with lice has used in the past couple of days
  • If someone in your family or your child has come in contact with a person with liceat school, periodically check their hair and scalp.

See below for helpful information and speak with the School Nurses or your Healthcare provider if you have any questions.