Our Strategic Vision

Joyful Art Making

Every year, as the end of the year approaches, I look forward to seeing the Art Show. I love it for so many reasons. The aesthetic beauty and quality of […]

All School Art Show, Spring 2015!

Ahhh Springtime! Beauty is in bloom all around! Could there be a more perfect time for our annual All School Art Show? During the week of May 18th, one could […]

Math, Art & Technology

Using Code Studio, third and fourth grade students have been working on creating more intricate and complicated patterns using their understanding of geometry and computer code. Some students have discovered […]

Getting Loopy Dances & Functional Suncatchers

Our third and fourth graders engaged in two fun and unplugged activities (no computers!) to learn about loops and functions in technology class this week. In third grade, students learned […]