Our Strategic Vision

Play an important role at BFS – Friends Forever!

Read the Brooklyn Daily Eagle article  “BFS Bests Calhoun for Volleyball Title“ Great moment last week at BFS: our Boys Varsity Volleyball team won the PSAA championship, an amazing feat […]

Remembering Benjamin R. Burdsall, 1903-1968

Got to thinking about Benjamin R. Burdsall this week as our Upper School faculty has been doing its own thinking about recipients of our annual awards for the Upper School […]

1947-48, the year BFS was nearly lost, Part II

Celebrating our school having been saved,The Friends School Life, February 16, 1948 This week, I’m following up on last week’s post concerning the discovery of the 1947-1948 Fight to Save BFS Scrapbook which allowed […]

Gatekeeper No More

1940, BFS Principal Douglas Grafflin’s Address to the Trustees of the Schools of New York Monthly Meeting  proposing the enrollment of African American students at BFS.  Please click to read Grafflin’s entire […]

Our First Meeting for Worship, 1941

Meeting for Worship is such an important element of the Brooklyn Friends School experience that it is difficult to imagine that it did not exist in its present form at Brooklyn […]

Lovely Surprises

I typically hate surprises, but some are always appreciated: there is nothing quite like finding a BFS historic treasure in either a traditional or electronic mailbox. Every once in a […]

BFS History? There’s a book for that…

Editor’s note: since the publishing of this article in 2013, the School celebrated its 150th anniversary and published Brooklyn Friends School: 150 Years of Light. Some of us will remember […]