Stay Home or Go To School?
Many children during this time of year become sick and, as a parent, it can be difficult to navigate if they should stay home or go to school. It is encouraged that children try to “tough it out” during the school day, but there are times when staying home or making an appointment with their health care provider is the best option. Allow your child to stay home and rest if:
• They have a fever of 100.0° or higher
• Diarrhea and/or vomiting within the last 24 hours
• Severe sore throat accompanied with fever for more than 48 hours – or exposure to Strep throat infection • Honey-crusted sores on the nose or mouth
• Yellow colored or large amounts of mucous from their nose, may include face pain or headache
• Severe ear pain or fluid coming from ear
• Severe headache, especially with fever A child with a fever should not be sent to school after taking a fever reducing medication. Children with a fever must remain home for 24 hours without the assistance of a medicine such as Advil or Tylenol.
In order to keep our community safe, please remind your child to throw away used tissues, cover their coughs and sneezes, keep their hands away from their face and to wash their hands with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer. As always, please contact the school nurse if your child is sick or has a contagious illness.