Spring Bowl
Event Details
When: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Where: Brooklyn Bowl, 61 Wythe Avenue, Williamsburg
Who attends the Spring Bowl?
The Spring Bowl is a celebration attended by adults of the BFS community. Parents, alumni, faculty and staff and friends all come to the party.
What does the Spring Bowl support?
The Spring Bowl raises funds for financial aid at Brooklyn Friends School. 33% of BFS students receive financial aid.
How can I support the Spring Bowl?
Attend: You will not only be supporting financial aid at Brooklyn Friends, but you will also have the opportunity to celebrate with members of our community. There will be silent and live auctions, delicious food and drink, music and dancing, and of course, bowling! Invitations will be mailed in January.
Volunteer: This celebration relies on the efforts of volunteers. There is a volunteer opportunity for every talent and availability. Contact springbowl@brooklynfriends.org for details on how you can help.
Donate: Consider supporting financial aid at Brooklyn Friends School with a donation of an auction item or a cash donation. All faculty and staff are invited to the Spring Bowl free of charge. Underwrite this cost by donating a faculty and staff ticket.