Portaits of Young Friends: Abrielle Moore

BFS lifer Abrielle Moore ’16 is enduring the stresses of senior year — balancing homework, volleyball and college applications — with grace. “It’s nice to feel like I know what I’m doing,” she says, “so that has made things a bit easier.” The varsity volleyball team made it to both league championships which, given the newness of the team, was cause for much Blue Pride for Abby, her teammates and the school. “We pulled ourselves together and stepped up our game,” she said. “I’m so proud that we pushed ourselves to get to them, and we fought hard while we were there.”
As student senate president, Abby has plenty to keep her occupied now that volleyball season is over. She’s also an active member of the Youth Action Project, and looks forward to participating in the upcoming dance concert. Somewhere amongst all of this she manages to excel at her full IB curriculum. Favorite courses include French, History and English. In the latter she’s currently immersed in Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s acclaimed short story collection The Thing Around Your Neck.
Outside of school this class president is a debutante. No, a real debutante, and last week was her “coming out” cotillion. “My grandmother is the Chaplain of the National Association of Negro Musicians’ Long Island branch, B-Sharp,” explained Abby. “B-Sharp’s scholarship organization sponsored the cotillion. It’s not a family tradition per se, but my mother did attend charm school as a young girl, which was then followed by a ball.” Abby’s cotillion was the culmination of a year’s worth of preparation, and it paid off. She was crowned Cotillion Queen, aka Miss B-Sharp 2015. For anyone who thinks a debutante ball is just a fashion show or beauty contest, Abby points out that she received the award “because of my extensive community engagement and fundraising efforts.”
Abrielle Moore finishes everything she starts. As if this overflowing plate weren’t full enough, she’s also working on her Girl Scout Gold Award, “which is essentially the equivalent of the Boy Scouts’ Eagle Scout Award.”
College acceptances and decisions are still a few months away but Abby plans to major in economics or Africana studies. Be sure to watch Abby’s recent video interview.