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Money Expert Ron Lieber to Talk on “What to Pay for College” Sept. 19

photo of ron lieberAll BFS families are invited to an evening with Ron Lieber, NYTimes “Your Money” columnist and BFS parent, who will share the first work-in-progress talk from his forthcoming book, “What to Pay for College.” The book is all about who pays what and why, how the financial aid and discounting system has changed, and when – if ever – any of us should spend $200,000 more than we might for a SUNY undergraduate education.

When: Thursday, Sept. 19, 6:30pm

Where: Pearl Meetinghouse

Brought to you by: the BFS College Counseling Office and the Upper School Colloquia Series

“In all my years of writing about money, I have come across no consumer decision that inspires more confusion and emotion than the question of What to Pay for College.”
– Ron Lieber, NY Times Your Money Columnist and Author