Our Strategic Vision

A New Upper School

Thanks to the generosity of the BFS community, a new 45,000 square foot home for the Upper School at 116 Lawrence Street opened with a joyful ribbon cutting ceremony. The students and faculty of the Upper School moved around the corner from 55 Willoughby Street to the expansive facility in..Read More

Planning the Next Century

At the 140th anniversary of the School’s founding and the centennial of the Upper School, we launched an ambitious strategic plan which laid out a plan for an increase in enrollment of 50% in the next 10 years. The plan’s underlying vision was for the School to be a leader in..Read More

Going Global

BFS begins to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program for juniors and seniors.  

That Championship Season

                  The boys varsity basketball team wins the New York state championship.  

Bobby Fischer Disappears As We Appear on Pearl Street

                            Friends School Field is sold to the New York City Parks Department and the School conducts its first capital campaign to finance the move to 375 Pearl Street, a seven-story building constructed in 1928 for Brooklyn..Read More

Our First Social Action

      The school buildings and Meeting House are threatened with demolition to make way for a new city jail. Fortunately, a coalition of civic and religious organizations persuades the mayor and borough president to build the jail one block away on Atlantic Avenue.  

The World’s First Can of Spam and Our First Field House

                            The School’s commitment to athletics continues to when a field house is constructed at Friends School Field, designed by BFS parent Lorimer Rich, the architect of the Tomb of the Unknowns in Washington, DC.  

Football Heroes

                      The varsity football team completes an undefeated, unscored-on season going 6-0 and ending with a 61-0 victory against Adelphi.

The Roaring ’20s

The growth spurt continues when a new three-story building, named for Quaker philanthropist Phoebe Anna Thorne, opens. The building has a basement and rooftop play area and is equipped with chemistry and physics laboratories. Enrollment rises to 348.