Our Strategic Vision

Simple Gifts by the Virtual BFS Orchestra

Enjoy a moving and uplifting collaboration of BFS colleagues and our multi-talented middle and upper school orchestra and choir students, who present the traditional Shaker hymn, “Simple Gifts.”  As you […]

One Little Blue Fish Swimming in the Water…

    As Preschool students enjoy their daily interactions with classroom teachers and each other on Zoom, they also engage with specialist teachers. Enjoy a song about fish (with lessons […]

3rd Grade Finds Beauty in the Everyday

  Putting their writing and art skills to work while celebrating National Poetry Month, the 3rd grade wrote and illustrated their own haikus. The students took inspiration from “Wabi Sabi” […]

¡Los superhéroes del distanciamiento social!

¡Es un pájaro! ¡Es un avión! ¡No! ¡Es un superhéroe de distanciamiento social! While there have been a myriad of adjustments for our students and colleagues during this time of […]

Caring for Our Community

Give to the BFS Tuition Assistance Emergency Relief Fund April 14, 2020 Dear BFS Community, As a Quaker school, we are always called to consider the ways in which our actions can have […]

March 12, 2020 Dear Families, I begin this letter with a sincere note of gratitude for each of you. I know that the unexpected closure of school earlier this week […]

Spring 2020: BFS COVID-19 Updates

The 2021-2022 Health and Safety page can be found here. *These messages and materials represent our communications and resources from Spring 2020. An updated COVID-19 resources page is forthcoming.* Virtual […]