Our Strategic Vision

Physics Leads the Way: MakerBot 3-D Printing

In the Upper School, Physics Teacher Travis Merritt has joined the 3-D printing exploration with infectious enthusiasm  Travis Merritt’s gadget-filled science lab now boasts a MakerBot 3-D printer.  “It’s in […]

Hour of Code: Inspirational, Engaging, Authentic

The Middle School continues integrating technology into the curriculum in ingenious new ways, among them taking part in the global “Hour of Code” movement. In addition to directing academic technology […]

Taking it to the Top in Tech

Technological experiments and innovations have become the norm in many schools across the country. No where is this more evident at BFS than in the Lower School. It’s a brave […]

Nichol Alexander: A Profile in Giving

Even before their daughter Madeline started in the Preschool threes, Nichol and Sarah Alexander had an instant connection to Brooklyn Friends School. “We immediately fell in love with the school, largely […]

IT’s a Small World: BFS, MakerBot, and Bre Pettis

When BFS parent Nichol Alexander stipulated that his donation be used for technological innovations in the classroom, one of the first decisions the school made was acquiring two MakerBot Replicator […]

A Closer Look: Technology at BFS

IT’s Everywhere Innovative thinking from the school’s Information Technology (IT) staff, along with a recent push from a philanthropic parent, continue to move BFS forward in bold, new directions. Over […]

Third Graders – App Smashing & Lego WeDo Robotics

For our last few technology classes, third grade students learned about app smashing (i.e., using several apps together to create one final product) and the app “Explain Everything” (a screen-casting […]

Snails in Kindergarten

As part of the science curriculum, kindergarten students learned about snails, the habitats they live in, and their life cycle. Students also conducted an experiment to see what types of […]

Makerspaces @ BFS 2015

Watch what students learned at this year’s Makerspaces @ BFS – from SAMR Technology to Word Collages.

4th Grade Design Thinking & 3D Designs

Design thinking was introduced last week to students as part of our unit on 3D design. Students learned about the stages of the design process: empathizing with the users of […]

Math, Art & Technology

Using Code Studio, third and fourth grade students have been working on creating more intricate and complicated patterns using their understanding of geometry and computer code. Some students have discovered […]