4th Grade Design Thinking & 3D Designs
May 5, 2015
Design thinking was introduced last week to students as part of our unit on 3D design. Students learned about the stages of the design process: empathizing with the users of the design, defining the problem, ideating possible solutions, prototyping the design, testing the prototypes, and the evolving the product created. Students were asked to come up with a solution for a problem they observed in the classroom using design thinking. For example, could they create something to keep the coats from falling off their hooks or pencils from rolling off the table?
Working with a partner, fourth graders have begun the design process by sketching out their ideas on paper and creating and testing out their prototypes with Model Magic, popsicle sticks, paper cups, and other materials. Soon, using the web-based application TinkerCAD, students will create and manipulate their designs to create the final 3D printing (.stl) file. Students will integrate their understanding of technology, engineering, art, and math to create a product that can be used in a practical way.