Our Strategic Vision

Welcome New Colleague, Lindsay Casale!

We recently asked new colleagues to answer a few questions to help us get to know them. Here we meet Lindsay Casale joined the Brooklyn Friends School community this fall […]

Welcome New Colleague, Sarah Robotham!

We recently asked new colleagues to answer a few questions to help us get to know them. Here we meet Sarah Robotham, who just joined the BFS Community as an […]

All School Art Show, Spring 2015!

Ahhh Springtime! Beauty is in bloom all around! Could there be a more perfect time for our annual All School Art Show? During the week of May 18th, one could […]

The Literary Life of BFS, Part Two

Delighted to follow up last week’s post about the BFS Literary Magazine Collection by adding the years 1961 to 1974. Literary magazines of this period evidence an enormous change in BFS history: the late […]

Learning About Internet Safety

Third and fourth graders learned about how to stay safe on the Internet. The students shared with each other what they know and also watched a BrainPop video on Internet […]

iPads in Kindergarten & First Grade!

Our kindergarten and first grade students loved learning about the mysterious blue cart that has been sitting in their classrooms for the past few weeks. Gasps and clapping ensued when […]

What is the Internet? How does it work?

In technology class, fourth graders learned about what the Internet is (a network of computers connected to each other) and how the Internet works. After thinking about what we already […]

Do you remember May Day at BFS?

The First May Day, 1928 Some readers may recall BFS May Day celebrations held at Friends Field and perhaps at Pearl Street. May Day was a huge lower school event […]