Welcome New Colleague, Lindsay Casale!

We recently asked new colleagues to answer a few questions to help us get to know them. Here we meet Lindsay Casale joined the Brooklyn Friends School community this fall as a Lower School Associate Teacher in the First Grade. Read on to learn more about Lindsay.
Where did you grow up?
Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Go Tar Heels!)
Where were you/what were you doing before you came to BFS?
Prior to BFS, I taught 7-8s at Manhattan Country School. And before I started teaching I worked in fundraising for arts and culture nonprofits.
Did you take up any new hobbies during the pandemic? What is your favorite quarantine activity?
My husband took up baking over these last several months–so I would say my favorite quarantine activity is eating the baked goods he makes!
Why did you choose BFS as your place of employment?
The teachers. I’m so inspired by the strength and community fostered by my colleagues here.
What is your favorite book from childhood?
I absolutely loved Chrysanthemum–really all Kevin Henkes books!
Is there anything else that you’d the BFS community to know about you?
When I’m not teaching (or thinking about teaching!) you can find me: reading, going to art museums, and exploring my neighborhood of Bay Ridge by foot.
Thank you, Lindsay! We are so glad that you are here!