Our Strategic Vision

Racial Inclusion and Educational Outcomes Presentation – Part II on June 1

Brooklyn Friends School has sponsored and participated in a research study over the past two years aimed at attaining both quantitative and qualitative indicators of racial inclusion with regard to the educational outcomes of BFS students for the period 2012-2017.

A research team of Darrick Hamilton, Ph.D (BFS Class of 1989), Regine Jackson Ph.D and Shan Mukthur Ph.D has conducted interviews and accessed the School’s records to attain data for their analysis. As the project and the current school year moves to conclusion, Professor Hamilton and his team will convene two public discussions to present some of their preliminary findings with a final report forthcoming.

The first presentation took place on May 15. The second presentation will take place on Thursday, June 1 at 7:00pm in the Pearl Street Meetinghouse. At this presentation, Professor Hamilton and his team will discuss and summarize their preliminary quantitative findings for BFS Upper School students for the 2012-2017 period.