Our Strategic Vision

Talking with Children about Difficult News: Resources for Parents

A Message for Pre and Lower School Parents

Oct. 4, 2017

Dear Parents,

You recently received school-wide information about the ways in which our BFS community can work together to support relief efforts in Puerto Rico and other communities after Hurricane Maria and other recent natural disasters.

We are also deeply saddened by the news of the tragic shooting in Las Vegas earlier this week. As educators and parents, we are again faced with the task of supporting our children as we cope with the devastating news ourselves.

Please know that in school, these events are being addressed in a manner that is developmentally appropriate. If needed, our teachers will reach out to you to keep you informed about if/how the subject was addressed in class. Also, please reach out to your child’s teachers if your child has a more personal connection to the tragedy or seems to be having a hard time coping. As always, Wanda and Rachel are available to support you and your children.

Here are some resources that offer guidance about how to talk to children about natural disasters and difficult news in a developmentally appropriate manner, which would include limiting media exposure, especially for the youngest children.

Talking to Children about Natural Disasters AACAP

Helping Children Cope with Frightening News– Child Mind Institute

Talking to Children about Violence — NASPonline

Explaining the News to Our Kids — Common Sense Media

Talking to Children About Disasters — Healthy Children

In friendship,
Jacquelyn Condie, Head of Lower School
Maura Eden, Head of Preschool
Dr. Rachel Maldonado, Lower School Psychologist
Wanda Frankel, LCSW,  Early Childhood Developmental Specialist