Standing Up for What Is Right: PAT Embracing Diversity 2019

Parents and students are invited to the PAT Equity and Inclusion Committee’s Embracing Diversity event: Standing Up for What is Right.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 – Brooklyn Friends Upper School, 116 Lawrence Street
5:30pm light dinner (pizza, falafel); 6-8:00 pm training
We seem to live in a world where there is a lot of wrong that happens. This may be the things said by an “uncle” at Thanksgiving, someone catcalling on the street, or a classmate’s unkind words. The Center for Anti-Violence Education will provide training to teach us how to stand up for what is right. This event is for parents (in all divisions), middle school and upper school students. The training spaces will be separate and the content tailored to each group. Come learn tools and techniques that you can use to stand up for yourself and others.
Childcare will be provided for younger children.