Our Strategic Vision

Latin Laureates

Every year the American Classical League administers the National Latin Exam to 150,000 students in the United States and internationally. The exam assesses students’ knowledge of the Latin language, English derivatives, Roman culture, mythology, geography and history.

This year, Brooklyn Friends students in 7th-12th grade received a total of 50 awards. Congratulations to all our Latin students and their teachers: Michael Kabot, Katy Koken, Martin Moore, and Dr. Stephen Wortman.


Introduction to Latin Ribbon and Certificate Awards

Sylvie B
Ben R
Sidney E
Sam F
Oscar D
Introduction to Latin Certificates
Willa S
Sage G
Jackson K
Ella N
Milly B
Inca U
Elizabeth S
Ryan BH
Lila L
Lillian NB
Adrian R
Finn S
Henry F
Cameron W
Jack B
Salma M
Angel I
Jason C
Miranda C
Alice Q
Mingma S
Latin I Gold Summa Cum Laude Award
Jordan B
Latin I Silver Maxima Cum Laude Awards 
Anna P
Sofia A
Grace F
Latin I Magna Cum Laude Awards
Amina W
Alicia A
Minerva M
Latin I Cum Laude Awards
Cailean M
Nathacha A
Devon S
Eva H
Violet G
Annika H
Maxine S
Helen L
Latin II Silver Maxima Cum Laude Award
Isabel U
Latin II Magna Cum Laude Award
Amanda B
Latin II Cum Laude Awards
Samuel F
Lucy S
Latin III Silver Maxima Cum Laude Award
Emmit S
Latin III  Cum Laude Award
Maalik D
Prose IV Magna Cum Laude Award
Grace M
Jacob SO
Latin V Gold Summa Cum Laude Award
Maya K

The philosophy of the National Latin Exam is predicated on providing every Latin student the opportunity to experience a sense of personal accomplishment and success in his study of the Latin language and culture. This opportunity exists for each individual student since, on the National Latin Exam, one is not competing with a fellow student on a comparative basis, but is evaluated solely on his/her own performance on the exam. The basic purposes of the NLE are to promote the study of Latin and to encourage the individual student.