Our Strategic Vision

Summer Update from the Counseling Team

Dear BFS Community,

As we enter summer break, we want to recognize that helping children manage their emotional wellbeing as they navigate an increasingly complex world is a difficult challenge. We understand that the summer months to come will likely look and feel differently than summer months in years past. The wellbeing of our students and community continues to be of utmost importance to us, even when school is out for summer. This document has many resources for adults, teens and children. The document includes information on ways to access therapy and other supports, and provides suggested resources for coping skills and tools to use at home.

NYC Well, Vibrant, and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1 (800) 273-8255 offer 24 hour a day, 7 day a week immediate emotional support. NY state also continues to offer free and confidential emotional support via this mental health hotline: 1-844-863-9314. If you have immediate concern about your child’s, your own, and/or another person’s safety, please call 911. 

Should a non-safety related matter arise over the summer that needs more immediate attention from the school, please reach out to your child’s divisional leader, who can then reach out to an appropriate colleague, as necessary. 

We wish you and your families a restorative summer and look forward to coming back together as a community in the fall. 

Jane, Kamauru, Rachel and Yelena