Our Strategic Vision

Colleagues & Students Attend PoCC

In the world of educational professional development, there are events and then, there are events. This past week’s NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) People of Color Conference, which was attended by more than […]

Community Comes Together to Celebrate Latinx/Hispanic Heritage

The BFS community came together for an amazing celebration of Latinx and Hispanic Heritage at our annual all-school Latinx Community Dinner. The special guest artist was the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company. There was singing, dancing, delicious foods, […]

Two DEB Events Coming Up This Week

Join us Saturday, September 28 from 10:00–11:30am for our Friends and Family Affinity Gathering in the Upper Gym at 375 Pearl Street. All family members are welcome! As a program whose outcome is to deepen […]

BFS Proudly Celebrates Latinx Heritage

Brooklyn Friends School is thrilled to recognize and celebrate Latinx Heritage month, a vibrant and vital recognition of the rich cultural tapestry of Latinx communities in the United States. This […]

Vlad Malukoff Calls it a Career

Few individuals have affected the Brooklyn Friends School community in the way Vlad Malukoff has over the past 26 years. Now, as he moves into the next phase of his […]

Let the New School Year Begin at BFS!

BFS came alive Wednesday morning, as students from two-years-old through ninth grade filled our hallways and rooms with excitement, laughter, and wonder. Our friends in grades 10–12, meanwhile, are offsite […]

BFS 2024–25 Bus Program

Dear BFS Families, As communicated this past spring, we are excited to be able to expand our bus routes to provide access for many additional families for this school year, […]