Our Strategic Vision

Our Lower School

Imagine your child walking into a community...

…where they are known, seen, and valued for the schema, expertise, creativity, and deep thought they already have growing within them. Imagine moments where they can express their innermost joy, build thought connections, develop skill, and engage in robust play with friends and peers every day. Imagine a community that values the inner light everyone brings each day. This is the Lower School at Brooklyn Friends. 


Our academic program honors and centers children through a progressive approach. Our curriculum is research-based and sequenced, and contains a robust specialist program. Throughout their time in our program, students develop conceptual understanding, critical and reflective thinking, engage in multiple field trip experiences each year, and deepen their social and emotional selves and relationships. 

Unique to Brooklyn Friends, our program is rooted in Quaker values and actively seeks to create spaces of belonging and works to disrupt inequity. Children see themselves as changemakers that actively engage the larger world around them. The thoughtfulness and richness of our Lower School foundation supports children to pursue their dreams while also preparing them for the diversity and adversity of the adult world that they will inhabit. Our colleagues deeply commit themselves to the pillars of our mission and center children at the heart of their decision making.

Subject matter in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, Spanish, information technology, and media literacy flourishes in an environment that also prioritizes the visual and performing arts, woodworking, and physical education. Built into all of these curricula is the development of skills as a platform for positive self-esteem.

Fast Facts about the Lower School at BFS

  • The Lower School Learning Community includes grades K through Four
  • The Lower School is housed in our building at 375 Pearl Street, along with our Early Childhood and Middle School Communities 
  • There are 13–17 students in each classroom across the Lower School
  • There are three classrooms per Lower School grade
  • There are two teachers in each K–3 classroom, one Head Teacher and One Associate Teacher. There are also a range of specialist teachers and four math and reading specialists.
  • There is one Head Teacher in each 4th grade classroom, plus a floating 4th grade collaborating teacher and our specialist teachers (see above).
  • Brooklyn Friends welcomes 15–20 new Kindergarten students each year, and the rest of the class is made up of students rising from our Early Childhood program 
  • The Lower School day runs from approximately 8:15am-3:00pm
  • A robust Extended Day program is offered each afternoon from 3:00pm–5:30pm. Learn more.

What makes Lower School at BFS so special?

  • Commitment to belonging, equity, social justice, and to service informed by Quaker values.
  • BFS attends to the whole child through a balanced and dynamic curriculum.
  • Intentional Differentiated instruction and small group work
  • Project-based learning is at the core of grade-level curricula, with an emphasis on child-directed and inquiry-based exploration 
  • Learning Team that supports our students, colleagues, and families
  • Research-based academic programs balanced for math and literacy, grounded in common core state standards
  • Our social studies program is comprised of colleague-created units that respond to students’ needs and interests, and which emphasize inquiry-based exploration.
  • Emphasis on students having ownership and building self-awareness

What are the facets of the BFS Lower School academic program?

  • Math (Bridges in Mathematics)
  • Word Study
  • Reading 
  • Writing
  • Handwriting
  • Social Studies
  • Responsive Classroom

  • Music
  • Spanish
  • Science
  • Studio Art/Wood Shop
  • PE and Dance
  • Library
  • Technology
  • Health

A Quaker Education

  • SPICES infused into curriculum experiences (the Quaker testimonies–learn more)
  • Weekly Wednesday Meeting for Worship in each classroom across the Lower School 
  • Comfort with regular moments of silence used as a practice across the school

Lower School Field Trips

  • Kindergarten: Local Parks and Exploration Trips, Family Invitations into the Classroom
  • 1st Grade: The Brooklyn Grange
  • 2nd Grade: The Brooklyn Bridge
  • 3rd Grade: Alvin Ailey Dance Performance with Families
  • 4th Grade: Nature’s Classroom Overnight

Our Lower School Leadership Team