Technology: Public Service Announcements on Digital Citizenship
After learning about digital safety and citizenship in technology class, our third and fourth grade students created public service announcements using the apps ChatterPix Kids and Adobe Voice, respectively.
In the fourth grade, we discussed the different ways communication can happen (e.g., verbal and visual communication) and how to use both these methods to express our thoughts and ideas in an engaging way. We will delve deeper into this topic with our upcoming integrated unit on web design, the library’s study of the Newbery Awards, and the classroom’s literacy work.
Click on the link below to watch some of the PSAs from the fourth grade class!
Students in the third grade learned to use the Chatterpix app by trying out different functions, collaborating with their peers, and learning through their mistakes. In the process, they were able to put their iPad skills to use to create their PSAs!
Our third graders will learn more about 3D design in the upcoming weeks and will be collaborating with their kindergarten buddies on a special (and delicious) 3D design project.