Our Strategic Vision

A Quaker School

Intellectual Growth and Moral Development

The Quakers’ central conviction that “the Light,” or “that of God,” resides in everyone gave rise to a genuine respect for the intrinsic worth of all people. Quaker testimonies of equality, integrity, peaceful resolution of conflict, community, and simplicity, continue to provide the foundation for an education where a child’s moral development is an integral part of his or her social and academic growth.

Read more about the Religious Society of Friends >

The Quaker Testimonies

The Quaker testimonies are a dynamic body of beliefs and ideals that have evolved over time and vary between groups of Friends. They guide Quakers in putting their faith into practice.

If we believe that every person contains a divine spark, how then, must we live in the world?

At Brooklyn Friends School, we consider a set of common testimonies distilled from centuries of Quaker practice by Howard Brinton, the foremost 20th century Quaker theologian. The testimonies follow the acronym S.P.I.C.E.S.

  • Simplicity: Focusing on what is essential, rather than material distractions.
  • Peace: Resolving conflicts peacefully and working actively for peace.
  • Integrity: Maintaining our beliefs in all parts of life.
  • Community: Taking care of one another.
  • Equality: Honoring each person and working against oppression.
  • Stewardship: Giving ourselves up in service and being environmental stewards.

Meeting for Worship

Each week, a Friends school community gathers for Meeting for Worship. With an unstructured nature and its focus on the power of the gathered group, Meeting for Worship gives everyone, regardless of a particular faith, a powerful tool for spiritual growth.

The format of the meeting is simple: Friends worship silently, waiting upon the spirit. Each person has within him or herself the ability to discern the truth, and students and teachers are encouraged to speak from their hearts, if so moved.

BFS students exiting the meetinghouse after a Quaker meeting

BFS students exiting the Meeting House after Meeting for Worship