Welcome New Colleague, Sofia Schultz!
December 30, 2020
By: Brooklyn Friends School
We recently asked new colleagues to answer a few questions to help us get to know them. Here we meet alum Sofia Schultz ’14, who just returned to the BFS Community as a Preschool Threes Associate Teacher. Read on to learn more about Sofia.
Where did you grow up?
Where were you/what were you doing before you came to BFS?
Working at Preschool of America
Did you take up any new hobbies during the pandemic? What is your favorite quarantine activity?
Knitting and puzzling!
Why did you choose BFS as your place of employment?
As an alumni Brooklyn friends has been an integral part of my life and I wanted to come back and give back to the community that supported me for so many years
Is there a moment that stands out as the most memorable and impactful since came to BFS?
Since I started working here a moment that stood out to me is the preschool celebration after we finished curriculum night
If we were to interview a lower school version of you, how would you describe yourself? What were your earliest hobbies and dreams?
Bubbly, friendly, funny and loving. I loved to sing and dance with my friends!
If we interviewed you again a year from now, what’s one thing you’d love to have accomplished here?
I stronger understanding of child development
What is your favorite book from childhood?
Amelia Bedelia
Thank you, Sofia! We are so glad that you are here!