Our Strategic Vision

A Glimpse into Virtual BFS at the Family Center


by Sara Soll

Family Center children learn and develop when they have opportunities to play in ways that allow them time to explore through hands-on, experiential and open-ended activities. Going remote was a huge shift in our thinking and planning to find ways to continue those opportunities through Zoom.  The virtual world we have shared with them has allowed us to stay connected as a community. It has also allowed the teachers time to explore with the children, and continue curriculum areas of interest.

Singing and music are always present in the classroom, and teachers incorporate singing virtually every day. Dance parties are always popular and they may play “Name That Tune”. But what about instrumental music and accompaniment? Teachers found different ways for the children to continue being musical remotely.

They “played” instruments they had at home, and also made their own. With simple household supplies – toilet paper rolls, wax paper, rubber bands or hair ties, tape and dry rice/beans, small plastic containers with lids – they created an orchestra. The children moved their bodies and made lots of music together. Joyful!