Pearl the Panther Makeover: Be Part of the Transformation! Share Your Vision Now!
Pearl has always been there for us—now Pearl needs YOU! Join us as we transform Pearl the Panther, our cherished school mascot! We believe that Pearl is due for a makeover that reflects our vibrant school community…and so does Pearl! Watch Pearl‘s makeover proposal to Head of School, Crissy Cáceres, in the fun video below. Pearl embodies our school’s pride and spirit. Now, it’s time to infuse her with fresh energy and enthusiasm that resonates with our school community from Preschool through 12th grade and beyond. We need your help! Share your thoughts and ideas on what Pearl means to you and how you envision her future look. At the linked short survey, you can also upload drawings and photos. Whether you’re a student, family member, colleague, alum, or community member, we invite everyone to participate. Join the makeover journey by taking our survey today! Let’s make Pearl shine brighter than ever before.