Our Strategic Vision

Connecting Our Hearts as a BFS Community

January 6, 2021

Dear BFS Community,

Our nation is experiencing a deeply painful moment that counters foundational human values of decency and respect. Embedded within this horrific historic denunciation of all that is just and good are overt acts of hatred and racism, which are a complete deviation from all that we stand for as a community.

I am certain that our minds and hearts are processing what feels incomprehensible to many and all too familiar to others. I encourage each of us to sit in an earnest moment of silence to hold our nation and all of our communities in the Light. I ask that we consider our own individual and collective place in making certain that this is a point of authentic engagement and learning from that which is hard to make sense of.

This is also an opportunity to be thankful for our own place in this community – Brooklyn Friends School – one which does not seek to be isolated from the truths of our world – but rather have a stance in addressing the ills within it and serving it with a lens of justice and peace.

Tomorrow, and in the days ahead, we know that our students and colleagues need our focus and care to navigate all before us. We will make time to do just that. In this moment, I simply felt moved to connect with each of you, not because it’s the checklist thing to do, but rather because my heart needed to connect with yours. I SEE and FEEL our community’s core at this time, and I am grateful for us.

In Peace,