Our Strategic Vision

Join us for Alumni Day, June 7

Dick Begelman, 1968

BFS Alumni Day is June 7 and it will be a fabulous event as always. Our annual Alumni Day is for all alumni, faculty and friends. Alumni of all graduating years are welcome, yet Alumni Day is also the day for alumni class reunions. BFS often recognizes faculty at Alumni Day and this year we are delighted to honor Dick Begelman, English and Drama teacher from 1967 to 1988. Mr. Begelman will be there and we hope you will be too.  For more information, please contact Director of Alumni Lekeia Varlack, 

BFS Alumni Day Schedule, Saturday, June 7, 2014
1:00 pm – Alumni Basketball Game, 375 Pearl Street Gymnasium
2:00 pm – Tour of School Buildings at Pearl and Willoughby
3:00 pm – Meeting for Worship, 375 Pearl Street Meetinghouse
4:00 pm – Celebration of former Upper School teacher Dick Begelman
4:30 pm to 7:00 pm – Cocktail Party toasting Alumni, Special reunion classes, and Faculty

Thought it might be fun to take a look back at when Mr. Begelman first came to BFS. We are fortunate to have several issues of The Life from his first year at BFS, 1967-1968. Of course, Mr. Begelman had numerous mentions in The Life over the years, but readers can discover them and much more on their own in the Newspapers Section of the BFS Digital Archives

Mr. Begelman was first mentioned in the October 10, 1967 edition of The Life article, “Varied Backgrounds Distinguish Faculty” on page 1. Mr. Begelman was first hired as a reading specialist for the Upper School. At the time, the Upper School consisted of grades 7-12 and the Lower School, grades K-6; our Middle School was created a few years later. 

A terrific feature about Mr. Begelman, “Versatile Teacher Instructs in Reading; Experienced in Dramatics, Film-Making,” is on page 2 of the March 26, 1968 issue of The Life, and it was written by Alexandra Levitt ’71, author of the highly acclaimed, Deadly Outbreaks: How Medical Detectives Save Lives Threatened by Killer Pandemics, Exotic Viruses, and Drug-Resistant Parasites. On Alumni Day, perhaps we will learn if Mr. Begelman’s favorite book is still “the dictionary.” 

Hope you can join us for BFS Alumni Day on June 7!