Our Strategic Vision

A Very Special Morning in the Preschool


On Thursday, May 25th, the Preschool hosted Grandparents and Special Friends Day and what an extraordinary day it was! Over 200 guests from as close as State Street to as far as Turkey arrived at Pearl Street and headed to the Meetinghouse for greetings and music. They were wowed by our Middle School jazz musicians and 4th grade vocalists and welcomed by Head of School Dr. Larry Weiss and Head of Preschool Maura Eden. Larry and Maura shared our gratitude for the vital role that grandparents play in the lives of our students and school.

Guests then headed to the second floor and joined their students. The Preschoolers shared their daily classroom life and their special projects. Guests joined in singing on the rug and decorated memento picture frames with the Preschoolers. The morning ended as students took their guests to the All School Art Show and showed the incredible work of the entire student community. Thank you to the Preschool teachers and staff, the middle school jazz band and the 4th grade singers for their work in hosting this special day.

Please view the slideshow below by clicking on the white arrow in the right-center of the first image.