Our Strategic Vision

Eighth Graders “Walk the Talk” in Albany

When Youth Advocacy Turns into Action 

Informed advocacy for reform in prisons and the criminal justice system is a long term interest among many in the Middle and Upper School, and one of the topics they delve into as part of the school’s Service Learning and Civic Engagement curriculum.

“Solitary is Torture” was the call of the day when a group of 8th grade students traveled on Jan. 21, 2020, to the NY State Capitol in Albany to be on the front lines of the HALT Solitary Advocacy Day. HALT refers to the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term (HALT) Solitary Confinement Act, and the students pressed government officials to pass this important piece of legislation.

In this episode of The Life, hear our student voices and perspectives as they turned advocacy into action.

Season 4, Number 9 H.A.L.T.