Dr. King’s Dream and the Children of BFS

For the past eight years, the Office of Equity & Inclusion features one of Dr. King’s speeches to honor his message of justice and equality for all. This coming Friday, January 18, 2019, audio from the “I HAVE A DREAM” speech will be playing in the lobbies of each building throughout the day.

An essential aspect of this tradition that was created by the Office of Equity and Inclusion is that we ask each member of the school community to enter the buildings in silence to honor Dr. King’s message. Families, please keep this in mind as you enter and leave the lobbies.
In addition, this year the Office will be launching the #IHAVEADREAM campaign. Through this schoolwide activity, students will be asked, “What is your dream for BFS?” Responses will be collected from January 17, 2019 – February 8, 2019.
Preschool and Lower School children will share their dreams for BFS through classroom activities, while Middle and Upper School students will give expression to their individual voices through an online survey. Responses will be collated and a visual representation of our children’s dreams for BFS will be created and shared with the community soon thereafter.
Also on Friday the Preschool will participate in their annual MLK “March,” and the Lower School will have their annual Dr. King and Changemakers Assembly. These student-centered events are a meaningful start to the School’s focus on Black History Month in February. Please stay tuned for news about these activities.