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Do the Math: Students Make the Grade on the AMC

BFS Upper Schoolers achieved prize-winning results in the American Math Contests (AMC) administered by the Mathematical Association of America (MMA) .

Our top 3 scorers in the AMC 12 contest for 11th and 12th graders were juniors Ashley K, Henry K, and Anna L. Ashley finished in the 83rd percentile of all participants in the United States and in the 93rd percentile for all female participants in the state of New York! The AMC 10 contest is for 9th and 10th graders; freshman TK K, and sophomores Philip C and Kieran H were the top 3 scorers for BFS.

All six students received Winner or Team Member prizes in recognition of their achievements. In all, 20 BFS students took the 2015 AMC and were coached by math teachers Atta Addo and Zenzile Keith.

In addition to the six prize winners, the following BFS students participated in AMC 2015: ninth graders Devante D, Miranda C, Juliet R-L,  Sophia L, Mingma S, Isabel U, Joy F, Aishat A, andLucy S; tenth grader Sam G; and eleventh graders Shomari M, Charlotte S, Jacob S-O, and Omar M.

The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) is the country’s longest-running and most prestigious math contest. According to the MAA website, “Every year, at thousands of schools in every state, more than 350,000 students are presented with a set of questions rich in content, designed to make them think and sure to leave them talking.”