BFS Global Youth Service Day 2014 – Upper Schoolers Raising Awareness and Inspiring Action!
April 11, 2014
By: Brooklyn Friends School

BFS Global Youth Service Day: Raising Awareness, Inspiring Action in
the Upper School was an opportunity for our students to
work with community partners in raising awareness about a broad range of
justice and equity issues and inspiring students to take action through
service. We are building accountable, reciprocal relationships that will evolve into ongoing meaningful service opportunities.
the Upper School was an opportunity for our students to
work with community partners in raising awareness about a broad range of
justice and equity issues and inspiring students to take action through
service. We are building accountable, reciprocal relationships that will evolve into ongoing meaningful service opportunities.
We started the day at 8am in the Pearl Street Meetinghouse with an amazing keynote speaker: Ms. Staceyann Chin!
Everyone then transitioned to Willoughby to participate in one of 14 concurrent student-led workshops with community partners to raise awareness and inspire action!
Students invited and partnered with guest speakers for their workshops who represent a range of organizations including the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, Defy Ventures, Health and Education Alternatives for Teens (H.E.A.T.), GrowNYC, Aud re Lorde Project, Queer Detainee Empowerment Project, Dress for Success, NYClass, Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers (H.E.A.R.T.), Justice Committee, and Urban Word.
After lunch, we gathered in the Pearl Street Meetinghouse for a Locks of Love collection organized by P.E.A.C.E. activity group.

As we heard in Dr. King’s speech at Plymouth Church this afternoon, “Human progress comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals.” Many dedicated students contributed to our BFS Global Youth Service Day event today – as organizers, as leaders, as artists, as facilitators, as participants, as supporters, as friends. Our students were absolutely fantastic and we are proud of their enthusiasm, passion and energy!
As 10th grader Abrielle shared in her closing speech:
“Our generation can and will make change in this world. It is our innovation, our open mindedness, our technology, and every other positive addition we will go on to insert into our society; that will truly make a difference…And there’s absolutely no time to be apathetic. If we wait, the world waits. It’s time to do something; it’s time to be that someone, because the world is depending on it.”